Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Harbor to harbor in the bookworm

A presentation in German and English in Strasbourg, France in the Bookworm, the English-American Bookshop is an intimate affair. The small bookshop however makes the poets get close to their listeners, who thus also lend their deepest attention. It was a warm revisiting of place and people.

It was the French presentation of Sounds of Harbour, by six poets and Felsenleiter, written by Fred Schywek. The bi-lingual experiment worked also between the German poems and its English translation. The listeners were, among others, deeply impressed by 'Wenn mann nichts hat'
When Fred read from Felsenleiter, there was absolute silence and concentration... Also acknowledgement of the quality of his writing.

es wird licht

ein lichter Wald
eine Rohre mit Abstand

von Wand zu Wand
von Baum zu Baum

in dieser Nacht
ist alles möglich

es wird licht hier.

it’s becoming light

a light forest
a tube with distance

from wall to wall
from tree to tree

in this night
all is possible

it’s becoming light here.

Furthermore, the anthology 'Love in Holland and Flanders' was presented and poems were offered from 'Werkwoorden, Werkworte, Workbook' 
With one of the poems, the owner of the shop burst into tears, asked the text and had mailed it to the other end of the world by the end of the poetry evening:

Early morn
when summer
into autumn

The first
I saw
   was Thee

The first I
the first
I became
   was we
All this was the last event in the year of Ruhrgebiet 2010, European Capital of Culture , organized by Fred Schywek. Yet expect more poetic action next year.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Lucienne Stassaert, one of the Grand Ladies of poetry written in Dutch, reads her latest cycle Leven - Leben - Life. She is accompanied by Jean Demey on the clarinette who improvises with feeling and intelligence carrying her words.
Fred Schywek reads his German translation of the following poem: Leven (3)

Verkoold als het is
door een al te hoge hitte

ligt het als een gewezen
ster voor het rapen

in een steeg
vol geblakerde stilte –

Je kan er niet
in of uit

schaduwen tellen
is al wat je rest

tijdens het knakken
van een vroege herfst

zodra de wind
een buikspreker wordt
op zoek naar een uitweg –
Verkohlt wie es ist
durch viel zu hohe Temperatur

liegt es als ein ausgeglühter
Stern kurz vor dem Aufheben

in einer Gasse
voll mit schwarzer geräucherter Stille -

Du kannst da
weder rein noch raus

Schatten zähl'n
ist all das was dir bleibt

zur Zeit des Knackens
des frühen Herbstes

alsdann der Wind
sich verwandelt in einen Bauchredner
auf Suche nach Ausweg -

German: Fred Schywek
Charred as it is
by too high a heat

it lays there as a has been    
star up for grabs

in an alley
full fire-blackened silence -

you can not enter it
nor leave

counting shadows
is ll that is left to you

in the cracking   
of an early autumn

as soon as the wind
turns ventriloquist
looking for a way out -

us: Annmarie Sauer

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rock Stairs

The book Felsenleiter by Fred Schywek is out! The book is wonderful and available in German. An English translation is being prepared. Follows Sing in German and a preview in English:


Die Seele geht
der Leib der bleibt
Entrückung kommt
sing sing, du King
von Blut von
äth’risch’ Glut
du King du sing
der Wind der weht
der Schnee der geht
du sing du King
auf Horizonten
mit neuem Winter
Mantel bau dein
Schiff die Jungs
vom Leib der bleibt
die Seele baut
ein Schiff für
dich und deine Frau
und dein Fahr Rad
frag mal die Jungs
ob du den Sattel
brauchst zum tauchen
gerade jetzt wo
die Post Karte
singt du King

The soul goes
the body that stays
detachment comes
sing sing, you King
of blood of
ethereal glow
you King you sing
the wind blows
away the snows
you sing you King
on horizons
with new winter
coat build your
boat the guys
of the body that stays
the soul builds
a boat for
you and your wife
and your bicycle
do ask the boys
whether you need the
saddle to dive
just now when
the post card
sings you King

 English: Annmarie Sauer

Friday, November 12, 2010


 Strasbourg: The Bookworm, Wednesday November 24, 2010, rue de Pâques.  You are invited!

 In the framework of Ruhr area 2010, European Capital of Culture an independent, original translation project was started by Fred Schywek under the name Flußschiffahrt. Fred Schywek, poet, publisher and translator in this project into German and Annmarie Sauer, poet and translator into Dutch and  English present a midway revue of poetry that will or has found it's place in Flußschiffahrt. They will read from two anthologies Hafenklänge Havenklanken Sounds of Harbour and  Die Liebe in Holland und Flandern De Liefde in Holland en Vlaanderen Love in Holland and Flanders. The Sounds of Harbour consists of poetry by six poets from 4 countries fascinated by ports and water, each dealing in a highly personal way with the subject. From light haerted to historic, from longing to loss, you'll find it in this elegant volume. One poem is written by all six poets under the name Charles Kléber. The book about love has one poem in three languages by nine poetesses from yes Holland and Flanders.

Two other books will also be presented: Felsenleiter by Fred Schywek, with a first performance of some of his poetry in English as a preview to the later publication of the bilingual Rock Stairs Felsenleiter. The poetry is personal and political, critical and tender. Schywek's style is powerful by its originality and will make you feel and think. He also questions language itself. Quite a ride!
Werkwoorden Werkworte Workbook is the last book by Annmarie Sauer, she made it as a farewell present to her colleagues. You find a lot places in Europe and Africa, personal musings inspired by a view or a word while working for the European Parliament, without ever writing about the Parliament itself. She wanted to show her colleagues their world through her eyes. Mainly written in Dutch and English but also some German.

Both poets are good performers and do think about how to present poetry in a multilingual setting. They are looking forward to this European safe haven in Strasbourg and hope to talk to you all after the reading.  

This is their last performance in 2010 Ruhr area Capital of European Culture year.

You can read about the three day Festival they organized at www.Dichtkunst.eu

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Bienek's Blackbox One II

Just a sample of what one finds In Wilfried Bienek's Blackbox One, available online in a few days. This poem was read during 'Gegenlesung', the german night in den Hopsack in Antwerp. Enjoy:

Auch schon mal in Dich gegangen?
Verdammt große Räume.
Bescheiden möbliert.
Fenster mit Aussicht.
Andere verhangen.

Ein paar Zentimeter
Teppich über dem Boden.
Staubfarben, klar.
An- und ausgehende Lichter.
Zeitweise trüber Geruch.

übermalte Bilder von über-Malern.
Auch Fälschungen? Wer weiß!
Ein Fernseher mit
kleinem Schwarz-weiß Bild.
Mit Sendungen aus den 50ern.

Eine Standuhr,
die ihrem Namen Ehre macht.
Eine bunt lackierte Tür.
Dahinter ein Plumpsklo
mit Zeitungen als Papier.

Die lieb und werten am Eßtisch.
Vertieft ins Gespräch über
Thema Nummer eins:
über Dich, altes Haus!


Ben je al eens tot jezelf gekomen?
Verdomd grote kamers.
Bescheiden bemeubeld.
Venster met uitzicht.
Andere afgedekt.

Een paar centimeters
tapijt over de vloer.
Stofkleuren, natuurlijk.
Aan- en uitgaande lichten.
Bij tijden treurige geur.

Overschilderde beelden van overschilderaars.
Ook vervalsingen? Wie weet!
Een televisie met
klein zwart-wit beeld.
Met uitzendingen uit de jaren 50.

Een staande klok,
die haar naam eer aan doet.
Een bont gelakte deur.
Daarachter een plons wc
met kranten als papier.

Die lief en gekoesterd aan de eettafel.
Verdiept in het gesprek over
themanummer één:
over jou, oud huis!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Blackbox One

 Meet Wilfried Bienek reading his poetry from Hafenklänge Havenklanken Sounds of Harbour during the Festival on September 18.


But now there is more news. His next boek of poetry Blackbox One is availlable since today. The picture on the right is the cover picture from the sixth book published by Fred Schywek, world internet books, in the framework of Ruhr Area 2010 EuropeanCapital of Culture

The poetry in this volume exemplifies  his idiosyncratic and ironic worldview.

Der zerbrochene Krug

Ein Krug zerbrach.
De Mann: Das Kind wars.
Das Kind: Der Mann wars.

Falsch: Der Krug wars.