Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tell me what is poetry

Somewhere deep inside myself I know what I mean when I use the word 'poetry'. I know how it feels when I write it, read it, translate it, perform it, alone or with others. I find it generally easy to work with poets, correcting translations and exchanging thoughts about poetry and social responsibility of art. Once in awhile one reaches a stalemate, a difference of opinion that would make working together rather difficult. So I ask you what is poetry? One person suggested sound and sense. That is a nice alliteration but it doesn't say much about poetry. Music is that too... Poetry is made of words made of characters, says another poet. True, yet here are a few elements that I look for in poetry: power, form or the breaking of form and grammar, a critical approach to the poems canonized in the past, humor, honesty. I don't mean confessional poetry, however I don't mind personal poetry when it has just enough alienation, which is an element one can't do without in art.
So, if you can tell me what poetry is, I'd appreciate it.

One day I wrote:

daddy good bye
goodbye goodbye, bye
bye, good bye,
good good
bye, bye bye
and so on
a whole page full, you get the drift: good bye daddy...
good bye bye.
It brought relief, made me feel better, but is it poettry

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